‘नवीन समाचार’ के पाठकों के ‘2.11 करोड़ यानी 21.1 मिलियन से अधिक बार मिले प्यार’ युक्त परिवार में आपका स्वागत है। आप पिछले 10 वर्षों से मान्यता प्राप्त- पत्रकारिता में पीएचडी डॉ. नवीन जोशी द्वारा संचालित, उत्तराखंड के सबसे पुराने, जनवरी 2010 से स्थापित, डिजिटल मीडिया परिवार का हिस्सा हैं, जिसके प्रत्येक समाचार एक लाख से अधिक लोगों तक और हर दिन लगभग 10 लाख बार पहुंचते हैं। हिंदी में विशिष्ट लेखन शैली हमारी पहचान है। आप भी हमारे माध्यम से हमारे इस परिवार तक अपना संदेश पहुंचा सकते हैं ₹500 से ₹20,000 प्रतिमाह की दरों में। यह दरें आधी भी हो सकती हैं। अपना विज्ञापन संदेश ह्वाट्सएप पर हमें भेजें 8077566792 पर। अपने शुभकामना संदेश-विज्ञापन उपलब्ध कराएं। स्वयं भी दें, अपने मित्रों से भी दिलाएं, ताकि हम आपको निरन्तर-बेहतर 'निःशुल्क' 'नवीन समाचार' उपलब्ध कराते रह सकें...

December 22, 2024

गर्मी से परेशान हो दिल्ली-एनसीआर व उत्तरी भारत से एक-दो दिन की छुट्टी में घूमने की सोच रहे हैं तो यह हिल स्टेशन हो सकता है पहली पसंद


नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 17 अप्रैल 2023। (Troubled by the heat, if you are thinking of traveling from Delhi-NCR and North India for a day or two, then this hill station can be the first choice) उत्तरी भारत में अप्रैल माह से ही गर्मी लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है। यदि आप भी दिल्ली-एनसीआर या यूपी, पंजाब, हरियाणा, राजस्थान से हैं और गर्मी से परेशान हैं, तो सप्ताहांत के एक-दो दिनों की अल्पावधि की छुट्टी में किसी ऐसी जगह जाना चाहते हैं जहां गर्मी से निजात मिले, साथ ही प्रकृति के सुंदर नजारे देखने के साथ ही परिवार के साथ अच्छा समय बिताने को मिले, समय का सदुपयोग हो तो उत्तराखंड के कुछ स्थान आपके सबसे पसंदीदा और आसान गंतव्य हो सकते हैं। आज हम आपको इन स्थानों और यहां पहुंचने, यहां घूमने-फिरने की पूरी जानकारी देने जा रहे हैं। नैनीताल के बारे में और भी जानें: यूं ही नहीं, तत्कालीन विश्व राजनीति की रणनीति के तहत अंग्रेजों ने बसासा था नैनीताल

आप चाहे पहाड़ों के शौकीन हों, प्रकृति की हरीतिमा के या पानी और एक अलग समृद्ध संस्कृति के, दिल्ली के पास नैनीताल ऐसी जगह है जो काफी दिलकश और आकर्षक है। आइए जानते हैं इस स्थान के बारे में…

दिल्ली के नजदीक, 300 किमी से भी कम की दूरी पर नैनीताल गर्मियों में परिवार के साथ लंबी या छोटी छुट्टियां बिताने के लिए झीलों का शहर व सरोवरनगरी के रूप में विश्व प्रसिद्ध नैनीताल एक सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्थान है। मैदानी स्थान काठगोदाम से मात्र 34 किलोमीटर चलकर समुद्र सतह से करीब 2000 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थित नैनीताल अंग्रेजों द्वारा बसाया गया पर्वतीय शहर है। नैनीताल हर मौसम में आया जा सकता है। यहां सर्दियों में न्यूनतम तापमान शून्य से 10 डिग्री एवं गर्मियों में न्यूनतम 10 से अधिकतम 30 डिग्री सेल्सियस के बीच रहता है। नैनीताल आने के लिए निकटतम रेलवे स्टेशन काठगोदाम 34 किमी व निकटतम हवाई अड्डा पंतनगर 70 किमी, बरेली 145 किमी और देहरादून 290 किमी है। विशेष परिस्थितियों में नैनीताल हेलीकॉप्टर से भी आया जा सकता है। यह भी पढ़ें : “Nainital” – Glittering jewel in the Himalyan necklace

यहां विश्व प्रसिद्ध नैनी सरोवर की अनूठी सुंदरता के साथ भगवान शिव एवं माता सती की आंख से जुड़ी कहानी के साथ धार्मिक महत्व है। साथ ही यह स्थान कुमाउनी लोक संस्कृति के साथ भोटिया-तिब्बती एवं अन्य संस्कृतियों से भी आकर्षित करता है। अच्छी आवासीय सुविधाओं के बावजूद यह स्थान आज भी अफगानी चिनार के साथ हरे पेड़ों के वनों का नगर भी कहा जाता है। एक स्थान पर झील और हरे जंगलों के साथ घूमने-फिरने व देखने के अनेक आकर्षण के कारण नैनीताल देश के कश्मीर, शिमला व मसूरी जैसे पर्वतीय शहरों से प्राकृतिक सुंदरता में कहीं अधिक पसंद किया जाता है। यहां कैंची धाम में बाबा नीब का आर्शीवाद भी लिया जा सकता है। यह भी पढ़ें : बाघ ने सेवानिवृत्त शिक्षक को बना दिया निवाला…

नैनीताल में आकर्षण: नैनीताल में एक छोटे से क्षेत्र में ही नैनी झील पर नौकायन व मॉल रोड पर सैर के साथ रोपवे पर चलने वाली केबल कार की सवारी, देश के गिने-चुने उच्च स्थलीय प्राणी उद्यान यानी चिड़ियाघर, प्राकृतिक गुफाओं के केव गार्डन, हिमालय दर्शन, नैना पीक, स्नोव्यू व टिफिन टॉप से प्राकृतिक तथा लवर्स प्वॉइंट व लैंड्स इंड से रोमांचक नजारों के अनुभव जीवन भर के लिए स्मरणीय व दीवाना बनाने वाले हो सकते हैं। यह भी पढ़ें : शादी पर लगी मेंहदी लगे हाथों में नवविवाहिता हो गई दुर्घटना की शिकार

नैनीताल के पास बाबा नीब करौनी का कैंची धाम, मुक्तेश्वर, भीमताल, सातताल, नौकुचियाताल, सरियाताल व खुर्पाताल, सरियाताल फॉल्स, किलबरी-पंगूट भी एक-दो दिन के टूर में घूमे जा सकते हैं। भवाली-रामगढ़ की फल पट्टी में पर्वतीय फलों का स्वाद लिया जा सकता है। रात्रि में नजदीक ही स्थित एरीज यानी आर्यभट्ट प्रेक्षण विज्ञान शोध संस्थान से चांद-सितारों की दुनिया निहारी जा सकती है। फोटोग्राफी के लिए यह सभी स्थान आदर्श स्थल हैं। इन स्थानों की सैर टैक्सी के अलावा बाइक टैक्सी भी किराये पर लेकर की जा सकती है। यह भी पढ़ें : सुबह-सुबह बड़ा समाचार: भ्रष्टाचार की जांच कर रहा दारोगा खुद 20 हजार की रिश्वत लेते गिरफ्तार

नैनीताल आलू के गुटके, भट्ट की चुड़कानी, झोली-भात जैसे पर्वतीय लजीज व्यंजनों के साथ ही मोमो, चाउमिन व थुप्पा जैसे चायनीज व तिब्बती व्यंजनों के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध है। यहां गर्मियों में भी शीतल जलवायु के बीच चाय व कॉफी के साथ समोसे, आलू के पराठे व अंडों के ऑमलेट भी सैलानियों की पहली पसंद होते हैं। यह भी पढ़ें : सामिया ग्रुप: ऐसा कोई सगा नहीं-जिन्हें इन्होंने ठगा नहीं, नैनीताल के सगीर से भी ठगे सवा चार लाख


Nainital is a popular hill station located in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. It is situated at an altitude of 2,084 meters above sea level and is surrounded by beautiful hills, forests, and a serene lake. The town is named after the Naini Lake, which is the main attraction of the area.

Nainital has a rich history, It was a popular summer retreat for the British during the colonial era. The town is known for its beautiful colonial architecture, including the Nainital Governor’s House, St. John’s Church, and the Nainital Club. The town also has several other tourist attractions, such as the Tiffin Top, Naina Devi Temple, Snow View Point, Naina Peak and the Eco Cave Gardens.

The Naini Lake is the main attraction of the town, and visitors can enjoy boating, yachting, and paddling on the lake. The lake is surrounded by beautiful hills and offers a serene and peaceful atmosphere. There are also several lakeside restaurants and cafes where visitors can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee while admiring the scenic beauty of the lake.

Nainital is also known for its adventure sports activities, such as trekking, rock climbing, and paragliding. The town is surrounded by beautiful hills and offers several trekking routes, such as the Nainital-Betalghat Trek, Nainital-Kilbury Trek, and Nainital-Pangot Trek.

Overall, Nainital is a beautiful and peaceful hill station that offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The town’s natural beauty, serene atmosphere, and adventure sports activities make it a popular tourist destination in India.

Nainital Best Nearby Hill Station of Delhi-NCR

Nainital is a popular hill station located near Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) in India. It is located at a distance of about 300 km from Delhi and can be easily reached by road, rail, or air. Here the ways to reach Nainital :

By Road: Nainital is well-connected by road to Delhi and other nearby cities. Visitors can take a bus or hire a taxi from Delhi to reach Nainital. The journey takes around 6-7 hours, depending on the traffic and the starting point.

By Rail: The nearest railway station to Nainital is the Kathgodam Railway Station, which is located at a distance of about 34 km. The station is well-connected to major cities in India, such as Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai. Visitors can take a train from Delhi to reach Kathgodam and then hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Nainital.

By Air: The nearest airport to Nainital is the Pantnagar Airport, which is located at a distance of about 68 km. Visitors can take a flight from Delhi to Pantnagar and then hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Nainital.

Overall, Nainital is a convenient and popular hill station for visitors from Delhi and the National Capital Region, and it offers a range of accommodation options and local attractions to explore. and Nainital is easily accessible by air, rail, and road, making it a convenient and popular tourist destination in India.

Nainital weather, best time to reach Nainital

Nainital has a pleasant climate throughout the year, making it a popular tourist destination. Here is a brief overview of the weather in Nainital:

Summer (March to June): The summer season in Nainital starts from March and lasts till June. The weather during this time is pleasant, with temperatures ranging between 10°C to 27°C. It is an ideal time to visit Nainital and explore the local attractions, such as Naini Lake, Naina Devi Temple, and Mall Road.

Monsoon (July to September): The monsoon season in Nainital starts from July and lasts till September. During this time, the town receives moderate to heavy rainfall, which can lead to landslides and roadblocks. It is not an ideal time to visit Nainital as many outdoor activities may be restricted.

Winter (October to February): The winter season in Nainital starts from October and lasts till February. The weather during this time is chilly, with temperatures ranging between 0°C to 15°C. The town receives snowfall during December and January, which makes it a popular destination for winter sports and activities.

Overall, the best time to visit Nainital is during the summer season, from March to June, when the weather is pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities. However, visitors can also plan their trip during the winter season if they wish to experience snowfall and winter sports.

What to See in Nainital

Nainital is a picturesque hill station located in the northern part of India, in the state of Uttarakhand. It is known for its beautiful lake, natural beauty, and local attractions. Here are some of the top places to see in Nainital:

  1. Naini Lake: Naini Lake is the heart of Nainital and one of the most popular tourist attractions. It is a natural freshwater lake surrounded by green hills and offers scenic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can enjoy boating and picnicking by the lake or take a walk around its perimeter.
  2. Naina Devi Temple: Naina Devi Temple is a famous Hindu temple located on the northern shore of Naini Lake. It is dedicated to the goddess Naina Devi and is believed to be one of the 51 Shakti Peeths in India. Visitors can explore the temple’s architecture and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  3. Tiffin Top: Tiffin Top is a popular viewpoint located on Ayarpatta Hill, offering panoramic views of Nainital and the surrounding hills. Visitors can reach Tiffin Top by trekking or horse riding, and it is an ideal spot for photography and nature lovers.
  4. Mall Road: Mall Road is a bustling marketplace in the heart of Nainital, offering a range of shops, restaurants, and local handicrafts. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Mall Road and shop for souvenirs or taste local cuisine.
  5. Eco Cave Gardens: Eco Cave Gardens is a natural park located in Nainital, offering a series of interconnected caves and rock formations. Visitors can explore the caves and enjoy a glimpse of the local wildlife, such as bats and birds.

Overall, Nainital offers a range of attractions to suit all types of travelers, from natural beauty to local temples and markets. Visitors can plan their trip to Nainital and explore its local attractions at their own pace.

Nearby places of Nainital

Nainital is surrounded by several other tourist destinations that visitors can explore during their trip. Here are some nearby places of Nainital:

  1. Bhimtal: Bhimtal is a scenic town located about 22 km from Nainital. It is known for its beautiful Bhimtal Lake, which is larger than Naini Lake and offers a range of water activities such as boating and fishing. Visitors can also explore the local markets and enjoy the natural beauty of the surrounding hills.
  2. Mukteshwar: Mukteshwar is a quiet hill station located about 50 km from Nainital. It is known for its serene atmosphere, beautiful views, and local attractions such as Mukteshwar Temple and Chauthi Jaali viewpoint. Visitors can also enjoy trekking and rock climbing in the surrounding hills.
  3. Ranikhet: Ranikhet is a popular hill station located about 56 km from Nainital. It is known for its scenic beauty, historical significance, and local attractions such as Jhula Devi Temple, Chaubatia Orchard, and Bhalu Dam. Visitors can also enjoy trekking and camping in the surrounding hills.
  4. Almora: Almora is a cultural and historical town located about 63 km from Nainital. It is known for its rich heritage, local handicrafts, and attractions such as Kasar Devi Temple, Bright End Corner, and Kumaon Regimental Centre Museum. Visitors can also enjoy a range of adventure activities such as trekking, camping, and rock climbing in the surrounding hills.

Overall, Nainital offers visitors the opportunity to explore nearby places that are rich in natural beauty, history, and culture. Visitors can plan their trip to Nainital and explore its nearby attractions at their own pace.

Range of Hotels in Nainital

Nainital is a popular hill station in India and offers a range of accommodation options to suit all types of travelers. Here are some popular types of hotels available in Nainital:

  1. Luxury Hotels: These hotels offer top-notch amenities, such as spa, heating system, restaurant, and 24-hour room service. They are usually located near the lake or hilltops and offer beautiful views of the surrounding area. Some examples of luxury hotels in Nainital include Manu Maharani, The Naini Retreat, Shervani Hill Top, Alka and Vikram Vintage Inn.
  2. Mid-Range Hotels: These hotels offer comfortable rooms and basic amenities, such as restaurant and room service. They are usually located near the lake or Mall Road and offer easy access to local attractions. Some examples of mid-range hotels in Nainital include Shervani Hilltop, Classic the Mall and Balrampur House.
  3. Budget Hotels: These hotels offer basic accommodation and amenities, such as clean rooms and a restaurant. They are usually located away from the lake or Mall Road and offer affordable rates. Some examples of budget hotels in Nainital include Hotel Primrose, Hotel Channi Raja, and Lake Side Inn.
  4. Resorts: These properties are usually located away from the town center and offer a peaceful and serene environment. They offer a range of amenities, such as spa, swimming pool, and recreational activities. Some examples of resorts in Nainital include The Ramgarh Bungalows, Soulitude in the Himalayas, and The Silent Valley Resort.

Overall, Nainital offers a range of hotels and accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. Visitors can choose from luxury hotels, mid-range hotels, budget hotels, and resorts, depending on their needs and requirements.

Hotels in Nainital

Nainital is a popular tourist destination in India, and there are many hotels and resorts available to suit all types of travelers. Here are some popular hotels in Nainital:

  1. The Naini Retreat – This is a luxury hotel located near the Naini Lake and offers beautiful views of the lake and surrounding hills. The hotel has spacious rooms, a spa, and a restaurant serving Indian and international cuisine.
  2. Shervani Hilltop – This is a mid-range hotel located on a hilltop overlooking the Nainital valley. The hotel has comfortable rooms, a restaurant, and a terrace with panoramic views.
  3. Arif Castles – This is a luxury hotel located near the Nainital Mall Road and offers beautiful views of the lake and surrounding hills. The hotel has spacious rooms, a spa, and a restaurant serving Indian and international cuisine.
  4. The Pavilion – This is a mid-range hotel located near the Naini Lake and offers beautiful views of the lake and surrounding hills. The hotel has comfortable rooms, a restaurant, and a terrace with panoramic views.
  5. Balrampur House – This is a heritage hotel located near the Nainital Governor’s House and offers beautiful views of the surrounding hills. The hotel has spacious rooms, a restaurant serving Indian and international cuisine, and a terrace with panoramic views.

These are just a few of the many hotels and resorts available in Nainital. Visitors can choose from a range of accommodations to suit their budget and preferences. It is recommended to book in advance, especially during peak tourist season, to ensure availability.

Souvenir of Nainital

Visitors can find a range of souvenirs to take back home as a reminder of their trip from Nainital. Here are some popular souvenirs of Nainital:

  1. Wooden handicrafts: Nainital is known for its beautiful wooden handicrafts, such as carved wooden boxes, frames, and idols. Visitors can buy these handicrafts from local markets and shops.
  2. Woolen garments: Nainital is located in a hilly region, and the weather can get quite cold during winters. Visitors can buy woolen garments such as shawls, sweaters, and blankets as souvenirs.
  3. Local tea and honey: Nainital is known for its local tea and honey, which are produced in the surrounding hills. Visitors can buy these products from local markets and shops.
  4. Handmade candles: Nainital is known for its handmade candles, which come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and fragrances. Visitors can buy these candles from local shops.
  5. Traditional jewelry: Nainital is known for its traditional jewelry, such as silver bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. Visitors can buy these items from local markets and shops.

Overall, visitors can find a range of souvenirs in Nainital that reflect the local culture, natural beauty, and heritage of the region.

Nainital Taste

Visitors can find a range of local delicacies that are unique to the region. Here are some popular tastes of Nainital:

  1. Bhatt ki Churkani: Bhatt ki Churkani is a popular local dish made from black beans, yogurt, and spices. It is usually served with rice or roti.
  2. Momo: Momos are a popular snack food that originated in Tibet and are now popular in many parts of India. Nainital also has its own unique take on momos, which are known as Nainital momos. These momos are slightly different from traditional momos and have a distinct taste.

    What sets Nainital momos apart from traditional momos is the use of local herbs and spices in the filling, which gives them a unique taste. The filling is usually cooked with a mixture of local herbs such as ajwain, thyme, and parsley, along with spices such as cumin and coriander.

    Nainital momos can be found at many street food vendors and local restaurants in the town. They are a popular snack among locals and visitors alike, and are a must-try for food enthusiasts looking to sample the local cuisine.

  3. Aloo ke Gutke: Aloo ke Gutke is a spicy potato dish that is popular in the region. It is made with boiled potatoes, spices, and herbs, and usually served with Baadi.
  4. Bal Mithai: Bal Mithai is a popular sweet dish that is made from condensed milk and coated with sugar balls. It is a popular dessert in Nainital and other parts of the Kumaon region.
  5. Kachmauli: Kachmauli is a popular local drink made from rhododendron flowers. It has a tangy and slightly sweet taste and is believed to have several health benefits.

Overall, visitors to Nainital can enjoy a range of local delicacies that are unique to the region. These dishes offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the region and are a must-try for food enthusiasts.

  1. The Manu Maharani: Indulge in luxury at The Manu Maharani, located near the Mall Road. With its elegant rooms and breathtaking views of the Naini Lake, this hotel is perfect for a memorable stay. Enjoy a rejuvenating spa, fitness center, and delectable dining options.

  2. The Naini Retreat: Nestled on the Ayarpatta Slopes, The Naini Retreat is a heritage hotel that exudes charm and tranquility. Stay in spacious rooms, wander through the beautiful garden, and soak in the panoramic mountain views.

  3. Shervani Hilltop: Experience the best of both nature and comfort at Shervani Hilltop. Surrounded by lush greenery, this boutique hotel offers a serene retreat. Unwind in well-appointed rooms and make the most of the hotel’s facilities.

Whether you seek luxury, heritage charm, or a serene escape, these top-rated hotels in Nainital ensure an unforgettable stay. Book your accommodation now and prepare to immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of Nainital.

(डॉ. नवीन जोशी) आज के अन्य ताजा ‘नवीन समाचार’ पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

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